Wild Dogs to take on Melrose 7s!

We are super proud to announce that we have been invited to play at the prestigious Melrose 7s, the ‘Home of Rugby Sevens’! Our Alpha pack (1st team) will take part in the ‘Men’s 1883 Centenary Cup’ on Saturday 8th April.

This will be the first time that the Wild Dogs will play at Melrose 7s where where so many legends of the game & big team have played before, it will be really special.

Tournament Director, Phil Morris, said: “We are really excited to see the Wild Dogs make their debut at the Melrose Sevens. A team of largely UK based Southern Africans they have built a strong reputation for Sevens in recent years so we look forward to hosting them at the Greenyards on the 8th April 2023.”

We would love your support! So please do come do come down and shout from the sidelines, we love hearing ‘Up the dogs!’ ringing around the field.